Mouse on the Move
Written by Janet Stanford and Kathryn Chase Bryer 
Select Music by Tim Guillot 

Presented with permission of Plays for New Audiences, a partnership of Seattle Children’s Theatre and Children’s Theatre Company-Minneapolis 

Cast & Production Staff 

Hila Kremer - Amelia Mouse 

Charmaine Elizabeth - Nellie Mouse  

Erika Floreska - Mother Moon Voiceover 

James Packard - Director/Lighting Designer 

Lisa Rudin - Stage Manager/Choreographer/Swing 

Austin Costello - Puppet Artist 

Claudia Zurek - Light Board Operator/Prop Construction 

Noah Packard – Original Music 


Two mice driving a red car. In the background is a cheese moon and the words "Mouse on the Move"

About Our Theater Team 

Hila Kremer (Amelia) is thrilled to be a part of this production! She took part in productions such as Assassins (SOOP Theater), Sound and Fury and Shakespeare (Parkside Players) as Lady Macbeth and even appeared in the show Carpool Karaoke on Apple TV. Her favorite cheese is cottage cheese! 

Charmaine Elizabeth (Nellie) began working professionally at the age of 21, and has since gone on to tour the whole country while performing. She has worked on stage, film and television, and recently took on a behind-the-scenes role as Director.  While working for a theater in North Carolina, she directed six shows, including The Wizard of Oz, UpCycled Cinderella, Grease Lightning and other original works and plays. Charmaine is thrilled to be performing at LICM in Mouse on the Move and her favorite cheese is American. 

James Packard (Theater Program Director/Director of Mouse on the Move ) has 40 years of professional and educational experience working in theater arts. Prior to joining LICM in 2001, he worked in theater & event management for numerous New York City companies and has taught stage technology and design at several institutions including Florida State University & New York City College of Technology. He earned his M.F.A. in Theater from the University of Iowa and his B.A. in Theater from Westmar College (IA). 

Lisa Rudin (Theater Program Coordinator/Stage Manager) has appeared in multiple productions here at LICM Theater. Favorite roles include the Little Old Lady in Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!, and Piggie in Elephant & Piggie’s "We are in a Play!" She is also the resident choreographer at LICM Theater. Prior to her work at LICM, she toured the country as a performer, worked in theater administration, casting, and as a teaching artist in both NY and Los Angeles.  She holds a BFA in Acting from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts.  

Austin Michael Costello (Resident Puppet Artist) is a Puppet Artist from Long Island! Costello received his BFA in Puppet Arts from The University of Connecticut's Puppet Arts Program and has gone on to work The Jim Henson Company’s New York Shop and Archives, as a director for The Hudson Vagabond Puppets, as a giant backup dancing monster for Danny Weinkauf’s Red Pants Band, and as a puppeteer for Helpsters and Sesame Street.  He is currently the Resident Puppet Artist at Long Island Children’s Museum Theater, where he has designed, built, directed, and performed countless puppets in many styles since 2016. 

Special thanks to Erika Floreska, President of LICM 

Two actors sitting on stage in between a large clothespin dressed as mice.



  • Use their whiskers to sense temperature. 
  • Are good swimmers.
  • A group of mice is called a mischief. 


  • Come in a variety of colors and patterns besides the classic red with black spots. 
  • Are considered good luck in many cultures. 
  • A group of ladybugs is called a loveliness.  


  • Are not actually fish and cannot swim. They are echinoderms. 
  • Can be found in every ocean but cannot survive in fresh water. 
  • A group of starfish is called a constellation or a galaxy.  

The Moon...

  • Is not a planet, but a satellite of the Earth.    
  • The average distance from the Moon to the Earth is 238,900 miles.  
  • The first person to set foot on the Moon was Neil Armstrong (Amelia and Nellie) might be the FIRST mice on the moon.)  

Question Quest! What is the difference between live theater and a movie? Have you ever seen a live theater performance? What do you do when you see something on stage that you like? Do you clap? Cheer? Smile?  

Literary Link: Give acting a try with On Stage: Theater Games and Activities for Kids. 

Activity Time: Imagine That!  

Amelia and Nellie make a rocket ship out of items that they have. You can try it too! Collect items from around your home to create a flying machine to take to the moon. (Just be sure to ask permission before taking something that doesn’t belong to you!) What does your flying machine look like? What does your flying machine sound like? Why did you select the items you did? Now climb inside and use your imagination to travel to the moon! What/who do you choose to take with you? What do you see along the way? What happens once you get there? How do you get home? 

Moon Munchies: Make moon pies, and a simplified mooncake.

Learn more about LICM Theater.